How to use augmented reality to visualise and book workspaces

Realidad aumentada espacio de trabajo

Resignations, dismissals, blocked promotions… After months of constant fighting between companies and workers, the situation has not changed. Companies continue to ask their teams to return to their pre-pandemic workspaces,at least three days a week, but many refuse to give up teleworking. Their increasingly tough warnings and measures do not seem to be working. Perhaps it is time to change the approach.

Years of teleworking have undoubtedly transformed the habits of teams, and companies need to be aware of this. Threats’ and ‘punishments’ do not work, but returning to the office does not mean returning to overcrowded workspaces where looking for a place was a constant struggle. Thanks to advances in technology, going back to the office means going back to a new office.

Even in the midst of the digital revolution, work has always gone beyond the screen. Although it has taken a back seat in recent years, the world of work is closely linked to contact and social relations. Contact with colleagues, suppliers and customers. A contact that, with 100% remote work, tends to become more complicated, colder and more distant.

At this point, technology such as Augmented Reality (AR), far from dehumanising, offers tools that help both companies and teams to organise their return to the office. Tools for visualising and booking workspaces, which modernise work environments to facilitate the return to hybrid or face-to-face working. Tools that combine the best of the physical and digital worlds.

Augmented Reality in the work environment

This technology superimposes a virtual layer on the real world through digital devices, such as tablets, Augmented Reality glasses, etc. The information that is superimposed is varied, from data on a painting to the 3D visualization of a building under construction.

Augmented Reality can make use of specialised hardware and software. The former includes cameras, sensors and other electronic devices that collect information about the real world. As for the software, it processes this data and generates a virtual image that is superimposed on the real world in real time.

However, there are solutions that do require software development to process and generate the data, do not require specialised hardware. Only a mobile phone capable of scanning a unique tag or identifier for each resource..

The benefits of AR in workspaces

Applied to the world of work, AR is having a major impact. Among the advantages of the application of Augmented Reality in workspaces, the following stand out:

  • Efficiency. It allows workers to perform more tasks in less time. Augmented Reality glasses allow access to relevant information while performing field tasks, increasing the precision of your work and reducing time.
  • Decision making. This technology makes it possible to visualise real-time information about an organisation, leading to more informed decisions.
  • Creativity. Designers from all fields use AR to visualize how their designs will look in the real world before building them. It saves a lot of costs by not having to create them physically.

What about the organisation of teams and workspaces?

AR makes it possible to visualise and modify the layout of workspaces virtually, facilitating the planning and redesign of offices without the need for immediate physical changes. This flexibility is essential in adapting to hybrid working models, where the need for space may vary from day to day.

In terms of collaboration, AR can improve interaction between teams, allowing collaborators working remotely to participate more actively in meetings and collaborative processes, as if they were physically present.

When it comes to space reservation, this technology allows teams to visualise their availability in real time. Through the use of apps, they can book meeting rooms, coworking spaces, or even individual workstations with ease, viewing the availability and features of the space before booking. This ensures efficient space management, reducing search time and enabling better planning of the working day.

4 steps to using AR to reserve workspaces

As we said, returning to the office does not mean returning to the workspaces of yesteryear. Habits have changed, people have changed, and companies must adjust to this new reality:

  • Select the appropriate device. It will depend on the level of immersion desired, the investment required and the learning curve of the equipment. The options range from the use of glasses to management from the smartphone itself.
  • Select a software. To manage and visualise the data, you will need an application or software for your teams to book workspaces.
  • Navigation and personalisation of the space. For the convenience of your teams, you can use a solution that allows you to navigate around the office, view rooms or workstations and customise them according to your preferences.
  • Real-time bookings. In order to plan your working week, there are solutions that allow you to book your workspaces from your mobile phone, without having to be in the office. To ensure availability, data is provided in real time and teams must confirm their attendance by scanning the unique identifiers of each resource or space.

The future of AR in the workplace

As a bridge between the physical and digital worlds, AR has redefined the way we interact with workspaces. Its continued evolution promises not only to improve, but also to revolutionise the way we search for and book workspaces.

As mentioned before, thanks to its implementation, teams can visualise workspaces interactively and in real time. They can explore and experiment with the layout of spaces before making a decision, which helps in better planning and use of resources.

In addition, these AR applications can collect information on space usage, providing valuable information for data-driven decision making. This allows companies to optimise the layout of their workspaces and improve the employee experience.

As the concept of the office evolves, AR positions companies at the forefront of the future of work. By adopting this technology, organisations demonstrate their commitment to innovation and their ability to adapt to emerging trends.