Augmented Reality: how to improve customer experience

realidad aumentada

Augmented Reality (AR) has emerged as a key technology for enriching the customer experience in a variety of industries, offering interactive and personalised experiences that capture consumer attention and build loyalty.

This technology overlays virtual information on top of the real world, creating an enriched and interactive experience. Unlike virtual reality, AR uses the real environment and complements it with virtual elements. It uses devices such as smartphones, tablets, and AR glasses to integrate the real and virtual worlds in real time.

Below, we will detail the use of Augmented Reality in different industries, as well as its advantages, both for customers and for the teams that work in them.

What are the applications of Augmented Reality?

Augmented Reality is revolutionising the business world, opening up new possibilities in a wide range of sectors. This technology not only improves the user experience, but also transforms the way businesses interact with their customers and streamline their operations.

From retail to tourism, education to entertainment. This technological breakthrough is finding significant applications in fields as diverse as medicine, architecture and the automotive industry, demonstrating its versatility and ability to adapt to different needs and environments.


In retail, AR allows products to be visualised in 3D, giving customers a better idea of how products will look in their home or on their person before they buy them.


In tourism, AR enriches information on monuments and historical sites, giving visitors a deeper understanding of their surroundings.


In education, AR creates interactive and personalised learning experiences, such as interactive textbooks that allow students to interact with 3D models.


In the entertainment sector, games and immersive cinema or theatre experiences are created, increasing customer engagement and satisfaction.

Other industries

AR is also applied in medicine, architecture and the automotive industry, among others. For example, in medicine, it improves the training of healthcare workers and the diagnosis of diseases.

Use of Augmented Reality in workspace management

Augmented Reality not only improves the external customer experience, but also has a significant impact on the “internal customer” or the employees of a company. The implementation of AR in office and workspace management can transform the way companies operate internally, providing multiple benefits for both the organisation and its teams.

Optimisation of the workspace

AR allows companies to visualise and plan the layout of their workspaces more efficiently. With AR applications, they can create and modify office layouts in real time, helping to maximise the use of available space and improve the ergonomics of the working environment.

Enhanced training and collaboration

AR is used to develop interactive training programmes, resulting in a more engaging and effective learning experience for teams. It also facilitates remote collaboration, allowing workers in different locations to interact in a shared virtual environment, improving communication and team efficiency.

Benefits for companies and teams

The benefits of implementing AR in office management include greater operational efficiency, better collaboration, more effective training and a more pleasant working environment. For employees, this translates into a more stimulating work environment and support in their daily tasks, which increases their engagement and job satisfaction.

5 steps to effectively implement Augmented Reality in your business

1. Identify your client’s objectives and needs.

2. Choose the right technology. Select between mobile apps and AR glasses, depending on objectives and needs.

3. Create interactive content, it will be more attractive and you will be able to personalise it.

4. Integrate this technology into your marketing strategy. You can promote the AR experience through a variety of channels.

5. Measure results and adjust your strategy. Use metrics to evaluate success and make adjustments based on customer feedback.

Augmented reality and the future

AR is transforming the way businesses interact with their customers, delivering unique and personalised experiences that increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, while providing significant competitive advantages for companies.
Its continued use and expansion in various industries augurs a future where the integration of the real and virtual world will be common practice in the customer experience.